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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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continue with the animal experimentation. let's be aware of the fact. so 5 actions . let us don't mean that we don't harm we don't tucked we do. we exploit the the flow. this is in use our own l. g 0. um, for the back people live in doha, its 15 g m t 3 pm at the hey, where the international court of justice is set to hand down a ruling and a case brought by nicaragua, against judges, asking judges rather to order germany to hold its military aid to israel, nicaragua, his case as face that germany is facilitating the commission of genocide in
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coordination with israel. nicaragua is requesting the court issue and emergency order demanding germany immediately suspended a to israel in particular. it's military assistance and equipment. nicaragua is also calling for germany to reinstate funding for the you in agency for palestinian refugees. germany post support after israel accused on rock of involvement in the october 7th of tax. and germany says the case has no basis in fact and denies it's acting against the genocide convention. we will go to those for savings at the hague as soon as they begin. in the meantime that speak to latasha, elsa gary who has the human rights program at the july institute for graduate studies. thank you for joining us. what are your expectations? what are you expecting that i see? j to decide to you? as you said today is a quote to will consider that provision admission was requested by new cargo. we
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have to scenario oh city scenario for the scenario. a is a case could be dismissed on procedure to don't. and these are also sort of thing defenses presented by your many. so it really depends also how is the quote will respond to does that. the 2nd scenario is that the quote to accept the 5 request made by and you called her and you are very important. i means that provision admissions, adjustable of them, is that june money should still aid and assistance to provide it to is or in especially the military corporation or become more think of food, things that can be used in and city. assume what has validation and validation of international whom we did a little in the guys that the said scenario is some of that demand could be accepted and by the court on the other. i was rejected as was the case with the soft off. yeah. so yeah, i see, but in this case it's more like changing the have to say because 0 out of important procedure to ground. which in my view is a case when sit a president, executives,
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a quote accepted to pick up the case and provide jurisdiction. and the site is if it has your distinction to examines the case, this is a very important but it's been because one of the implications for i have a country. yeah. also aging as good looking is radically out of meetings and legal issues that you are dealing with in this case is a question of providing 8 us about it. there's not a case between one country cleanings and the other country committing. so felicia, know it's between 2 countries is that the involves a sort of the countries that commit things of ownership and one of the lifting and provide support to as i. so here is the quote, we'll have to decide if it will be here is a case in the absence of is it right? because this is one of the defense motivated both should many you have many audit. that is, the case has to be declared in admissible because is a, is not involved with is a dispute. so we would see today at how the quote would say, the proceedings of course began last month and germany are presented as defense.
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what precisely. ok. okay. i understand that the hearing has started like that. so let's go straight to the higgins listening to what the judge is. they have room space that goes back to the beginning sheet and you've got a good, a cds. i'm on demo 3, but it's too close to all that good stuff is on the back to my phone that i do the exist 8, exist east this will provide, then you can image you must have up to us or who do i live to sit on is that well on foot, nissan desire to meet you today? ill just found on if you know small duties, well the fees for the security that that will then that's what was a need for the future. the for that. yeah, we don't have tons anymore. and why more? yeah, because the judge ferry speaking in french, he will also be making visa announcements that in these statements in english sizes as a procedure at the international court of justice. again, just
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a reminder that the top core till the united nation is that the hate that is delivering is decision today in nicaragua, as requests to order germany to help her age to israel. and it's war on guys us 34000 palestinians, more than 34000 has been killed since it. israel began, it's one guys on october, the 7th, and germany, nicaragua, either one of the, one of the few countries that have brought cases of the international court of justice, this one against germany. but there is a full of force. also the south africa case against these route i d i c j, which is ongoing as well with us, the onset. okay, we're going back to it. now we have translation. let's listen in the city for the money as easy. it's a do you to is and the money hasn't prevent the genocide and through the have the assistance
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the quote will make good photo the 3 consider the method of genocide and preventing genocide through using the tools that they have. and the pressure, according to them, is needed to be practice. so i'm is an old the, to a low the enough for you. i'm going to tell you in a to read so that people of guys that the go to also think that the information according to the geneva gold, that a must not be a, by the, by the rule of not being people o a country that is involved in the minutes a conflict and this might not be
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a violation of 2 loans on the international uh clothing too many. there are no evidence of that providing the ministry uh, equipment and the weapons is a violation to the amenities around lo, within the convention of genocide and the quote as well. and the cold includes the many is committed to the embargo of weapons and the, the joint position will be in union on december 8th. and that the was amended. and at the beginning of 19 the 2019 regarding the export of equipment, the equipment minutes, the equipment, the quotes also noticed that as mentioned by gemini,
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that the gym and load of the manufacturer and then exposing minutes the equipment in glue. so, and i'll put it in the, is not the government to the support of are to administer is must be the also does regarding the issuance of the permits within this league from what the 2 categories of minutes, the weapons subject to, to the obtaining of these mets took them under the german legal framework for every license is granted. the assessment is covered up by the german government to ascertain whether there's the clearly risk that the particular item subject to licensing would be used to the commission of genocide, crimes against humanity. all grave breaches of the 4th geneva conventions.
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the quote edition notes that's understood by germany that has been a significant decrease since november 2023 and the value of material for which the licenses were granted from approximately 200000000 bureaus. in october 2053 to approximately 24000000. in november 2023, 2 approximately 1000000 euros in march 2024. the court also note says, since the 7th of october 2053, according to germany, only 4 licenses for war. but for this have been granted to for training at the issue one for preventative charges for testing purposes. and one concern the export of 3000 potable empty tank weapons. because further, the citizen had also approached the german government and tried to have the 3 to 10 communication and no decisions by the respondents as us saw be made regarding this
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request. and addition, according to germany, the licensing for exports of a submarine to israel is currently pending because of the 2 license is required for this export has the funding granted. finally, the course takes note of driven the statement that 98 percent of the license is granted since the 7th of october 2023 concert of minute treat equipment and not will weapons with regard to the correct goods request that germany i quits resume and support and the financing of underway in respect to this operations in gaza and destroyed the court notes. the germany announced this decision to suspend his contribution to enroll on the 27th
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of january 2024. in respect to this operations in garza and disregard the quotes of those 1st the contributions to under i've on 3 in nature. secondly, it noticed that according to the information provided to it by germany, no new payment was due from the in the weeks following the announcement of a decision. finally, the court next to germany stated that should have supported initiatives aimed at funding the agencies work. in particular, through the payment of 50000000 euros by the european union to enroll on the 1st of march 2024. as well as providing financial and material support to other organizations operating in because the strip based on the actual information and legal arguments presented by the bosses. the court concludes that at the present, as the circumstances are not such as to require the exercise of its power. and to
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go out to the $41.00 of the statute to indicate the provisional measures as driven as requested. that the case be removed from the list. the court noticed that as it has sold in the past, wherever it is a manifest the bank of jurisdiction, it can remove the case from the list of provisional measures that at the provisional measure of stage. conversely, there is no such manifest where there is no such manifest like good distinction, the court kind of remove the case so at the stage and the present case being no manifesto for distinction, the court cannot succeed to terminate the request, i will not continue reading the order in addition to that, and it's all good. i'll split the 6 january 2024 indicates concerning the application of the convention on to prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. because a split between south africa is a it go through that the many to
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a petition come conducted by is right in front of me. the effects of 7 october 2023 as it is active and thoughtful. a large number of deaths and injuries, as well as the massive destruction of homes before the displacement of their bus, much linked over to the nation, and extensive damage to city and instead of infection. and of course, in addition to quote the means deeply concerned about the cause of perfect clipping conditions of the by the send you in regards to a student. in particular, interview over the prolongs and widespread, the provision of food and the other basic necessities to which they have been subject as acknowledged by the quote and its order of march 28th, 2024. delivered. in the same case. it's because those are the costs that that's the when to come in automatically, one of the geneva conventions always stays,
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but these are on that. how many gibson would expect and to ensure the specs for the conventions and also from census it's photos from that provision that every state but due to these conventions, whether or not it is a particularly specific conflict, is on that and obligation to ensure that the requirements of the instruments in questions are complied with. such a it'll be addition, does not that i've only from the conventions themselves, but from the executive principal of you mean that you know, the, which the conventions usually give specific expression. with regard to the regional side convention, the court has had the opportunity to observe that you'll be addition to. but even the commission of the crime of genocide, best suited to us, the big one, big lives phase, spices that are with or that should normally have been aware of the see the face that acts of the you know, side would have been committed to employed or that means that easily available for
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them to bit of in general side as far as possible for the state park to the bone by the general convention, not to commit any other acts and you made it did not good for you of this convention model because it was fixed, but it could be important to remind post states of that international obligation waiting for the fence sort of the pocket for an armed conflict in order to avoid that is that such um my views to why would they be above mentioned conventions or these obligations are incumbent upon checking many of the states, but due to the set conventions and its supply of i'm so is it because the from the decision given or in the present proceedings in no. ready but he judges the question of visual eviction of the quote, the deed with the merits of the case,
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or any questions relating to the admissibility of the application. both of the medicine i'm sense it leaves on effective that i have of the governments of nicaragua and showed money to submit arguments. in the respect of those questions, i should now be the opposite. the spark of the old for these reasons, because by 15 votes the one, fine, but the circumstances as they now present themselves to the quote. not such as required, exist sides of its spotwood on the object of 41 of the statute to indicate television and measures in favor beds and set them by pregnancy, which indeed judges from the use of show a monday it was so no sides was but i'm going to is
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related to people in order to do that again, so it's on hold of her. so i said no, hold onto that. just the 3, the alternative part of the ordering french a proxy motif that cool both kinds of work on putting the courtesy of coal stones. give us a present to him on this one, but not to vegas easier. it exists, he's doing something well then the kid them is you a call sort of a 12 home after enough to cook at home and do stuff to pool. let's use that. i'm crazy. don't let them sit between the visit because you don't miss your tonka. um use of my them. sure. with miss you've been busy us. so notice by themselves for missed your brand minutes hopefully to buy them cleveland miss, you're always cool. let the use cold. she comes home the judge. i don't
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that x of the from today if that's good, if it'd be, i mean, if it's shortly on the quote website, they put in the text would be, i forget it, but, and you course as the quotes has no further business before it. today. i the clear recipient flows there you have a, the international court of justice handing now finding out his decision on the case brought by nicaragua, against germany. the top you in court was hearing nicaragua, his request to order germany to hold a to israel. while the world court has ruled against issuing emergency measures, overdriven alms, exports to israel. it did say that it remains deeply concerned about conditions in gaza. but role that 15 votes to one that it found the circumstances are such that it cannot issue provisional measures over german
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arms export to israel with us on the side tell this i'll just there and use out is more ties alpha gary who heads the human rights program, adult ha, institute for graduate studies. so we have the decision, no provisional measures yet. where are you expecting this much? uh, yes, i saved in the, in the beginnings that does, it could be some change from the court to decide on the same measures. so from what we hear direct now is a court, this costs substantially and measures requested by new cargo. it's close to stated that funding for the on the is one on 3. so states is most from the inspect. yeah. to provide this. yeah. it's a political issue, i mean, not to hear, many didn't enter political to know. could you go also when it comes to women's is a quote to actually exceed blend the lives of cooperation between germany and, and isn't. however,
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it seems that the court did not find sufficient evidence to besides that these women's views directly is a violation, was afford it did. yes, because the court, the has to decide based on the evidence exam brought just before it before the judge. it did, it did highlight that in its defense, that gemini presented to me at court that some of the licenses that were granted since october, the 7 before october, the 7th, right of were equipment and not military weapons that were currently be used in the war on guys are right now, how many provisional measures were they? so basically none of them have phoenix a we have the in the list, 5 major. okay. that is that are made sure to look into connected because they are not in photo exams. they are interconnected because they are related to the corporations and military corporation and they use the flames. and the one of these requests related to funding to the owner and the general, the major and related to their respect to international humanitarian law and
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obligation of your money. to monitor was that an installation was was, is right, but the court actually did a general call in it's judgement through mind things international community, including germany of their obligation under geneva conventions, international material. as it is just like a call that made it by, by the quoted but it has no like and it direct link to the judging music sense. okay. back to mind that the international community, including germany of their obligation and in relation to the article one to come on article one, it was you need of a convention or just to remind you, i swear just joining us again, the top un court, the international court of justice has rejected nicaragua is request uh to order a gemini to hold military aid to israel. this happened in just the last few minutes . we're talking about the significance of this decision with more ties out for gary
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from the doha institute of graduate studies. what does this mean? not as far as any crowd bookcase is concerned at the i c j is this, it's because there's also the south africa is we'll talk about that in just a moment. what's the next step in nicaragua? and it's not just a provisional measure. yeah, it's not the end of the story. there is a good a button that will continue and many other issues. and that's a quote to indeed was it, was it a god pleasure, this diction to examine the case or the medic besides the case on somebody. and there is also south africa village. this is an extra and actually nicaragua intervene in this case as well. so you have new, colorado and columbia z intervened inside of south africa, again, just as an ad. but of course, i mean, we hope that today's it would be some mission also because this would be an important weekend message to many other countries at all right. now, so both thing is and was, it was weird things on the book, i think even if it's a quote today and dismiss the measures is it is also some kind of political message
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is a whole process, ends up receiving tests and finish the phone. we knows that even of cooperation between you and many of these are the ends of course, highlighted so that it's an introduction of it's, it's a decision. and also i think it, when it sends a message to other companies, including within your opinion, because germany is the member of fitness and opinion and within their opinions that our rules and international law is. i'm thinking about those that you know. so i think 0 would it be some kind of political and i'm, if occasion, if she had a many i managed to be to and counter is these kinds of measures. i think that message has has arrived. and i think jenna many found the tips today, politically equitable, and international community politically accountable. again, very important, more tests to highlight that is addressed to provisional measures yet where rejected yet and not the n. yes. pull that big. okay, just so what, what happens next time because we haven't really touched on that yet. what happens
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like, what have i considered also that just gets a sticker on the time as so we, it takes a long time full, but yeah, of course, i mean south africa. this is what it could take it, it, yes, it will take us and we can just remind the audience that we have. and i also have 2 things in cases related to genocide. again via versus me and mark still decided by a full exam available. and also we have at your, the rush of what it is you can still, it's also a building in the pool. so and for the core product now into, in, in these cases, when it would take time before we know exactly as a legal liability. and the responsibility of part is because the court here will decide on the responsibility on the international. but the evidence and testimony is and only to come and provide it as a quote, unimportant because it would also create as i said, some kind of political pressure. and this is also part of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the game. it is not just about what is being said in the quote,
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but it's also about the mobilization as a political. the restaurant is that can be black state breakfast on germany and also have similar countries to mitigate them to stop actually ideally to stop there exploring. but also to know that there are others who monitor and scrutinize in behavior. okay, want to stay with us. i want to bring in now sophia hoffman, who's a professor of international politics and conflict resolution at the university of our efforts in berlin. she's joining us live on the news our thank you very much effort for being with us. what. what is your reaction then to this decision by the i c, j not to issue provisional measures against germany? will the german government be satisfied with the assignment? so at 1st glance, this is clearly a big resounding success for the german government, which claimed and its defense in the run up to this decision that in the correct use case was baseless. and in some ways, this position was confirmed today by the court, which basically ruled that there was not sufficient evidence. so there wasn't
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actually a situation upon which it could rule because of the correct q of claims. did not pan out. once the court cassidy considered what was actually at stake in terms of um, transferred and in terms of the owner of payments at 2nd glance. and this will in germany. you know, the headlines in germany will be, uh, you know, successful. the german government, um, germany is not i will not have to carry up provisional measures to the down governments position that the correct us claim was based. this was correct. so these will be the headlines in germany. but at the 2nd glance, so foreign policy of service and set and before the german government and it's for an furnace and farm industry. the nuances of this case uh much more complex because i agree with with um, the other speaker that, uh what this case also shows is that your pm and german ons exports and it's ministry. relationship with israel can come on the very capital scrutiny. if
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another country decides to bring a case in front of the court, and this clearly creates pressure and accountability and shows that germany is not just as a part of the livable order, but is also subjected to its control. a very important point to make sophia, because germany's policy of course, has strongly been oriented towards international law and uh, and distorting, as you say, is successful. maybe for them legally, but politically, to see a country like germany in the dock, if you will. at the i, c j has huge implications, also is absolutely, and i mean this, this has been a, you know, this has, this, this case has been a shock, i think, to the german public as well. and it certainly, you know, probably created also in the public, the set perception, some concerns with the german germany, you know, storage, political support for them to tenure, government, whether this is correct and what might be going on there behind the scenes was we
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got to ministry support and so on, but we saw really clearly now on the court that what was not on trial is this political support that germany has been lending to the natania government and it's, and his war on guys off. but what really was on tried here were very technical masses. what kind of military equipment has been delivered? has this been offensive, or defensive and so on. and in this case, uh, yeah, the law was on germany's side. but i would also say that this case isn't vindication for international law, because it shows that, you know, every country, no matter how strong or weak can become subject to international law. yeah. and as we've been saying with more ties, i mean these were just the decisions on the provisional measures, the case itself is not over yet that the i c j and they could be more pressure applied on germany and germany will have to to, i guess, defend its position more forcefully at the hey, this is just the 1st step that there's a, you know, there's
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a while to go until this case is over. you know, absolutely. and i think, i mean, in general, any time, no country likes to have transparency forced upon it. in terms of media, it's made a treat support and relations. i have been quite surprised in the way that as part of the public discussion, also media discussion surrounding this issue. very rarely it is mentioned that germany is importing a, a, a defense, an ad defense system from israel. the arrow defense that works against midland, short term. it's a short range missiles, which is really important for germany at the moment because of the ukraine, russia war and this. so it's not only germany actually exporting weapons to as well, but germany is, has also become increasingly dependent on is rarely weapons. and that's, of course, really part of the political story why germany is maybe not a completely independent actor here, but of course also has um, you know, pressure on dependencies with regards to that as well. how will this all play out
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sophia, with the german public if it, you know, the case is going to continue. of course, as we said, the, the support germany has express for israel. i mean, it hasn't wavered, but do you think it might change if the german public decides that you know, this is, it's not worth it to see the country expose in this man. i mean, i think this current validate right now, as i say, well, we'll push those who are maybe wavering, whether, you know, germany's political support for the is ready. government is a good thing. it will, you know, push them into the comfortable corner thinking, well, actually, you know, the court has ruled everything is okay with this. you know, german government is on the right course. but of course, this is the majority of german population, but that is also, you know, i mean, polls say that nearly half of the german government at devin population is not happy with the german government storm support for israel. and these divisions continue. however, in germany, as we have seen in recent weeks,
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also in other countries, of course, a public expression civil society expression for support for the palestinian side is met with a, you know, very heavy police repression including, you know, academics to face repression, including academic conferences that are still in by the police. so it is also not really easy for this kind of, you know, a pro palestinian aspect of german of the german population to, to voice it's, it's concerns. so for you, thank you so much for bringing us a few in perspective there from gemini sophia hoffman is a professor of international politics and conflicts research at the university of aspect. thank you. it is f o teen. so t g m t, you're watching the news hour on. ouch is here. and we've been discussing a force this decision by the international court of justice, which has rejected nicaragua as requests for judges to order germany, to hold military and other aid to israel vending. moxy is that the hague for us, joins us now live just a breakdown. once again,
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this decision that the i c j has just deliberate villain and the significance of it, of the well, what's happened here today fully is that the court has refused to go on well known as provisional measures. essentially injunction is to try and prevent germany specifically from transferring military aid to israel, but might leave them in violation of the convention on genocide. germany is dog. history of course has been said in terms of the creation of the convention. this will have been politically humiliating fulsome within the german government, but the legal arguments were the 98 percent of that minute treat trends. first, israel after october 7th, what non mid a tree in nature. the 3 out of for the export license is related to non military non lethal material. and the just says, looking at those facts as presented by the german legal team, have accepted them the all the crucial argument that has wider implications is but
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they are not found to be in violation of the genocide convention. because israel itself, let's not forget, following on from the hearings for by south africa, they themselves have not been found to be in violation of the genocide convention. and that will be key to all the countries that may face similar cases relating to the transfers to israel. the us, the largest military supplier of is right in terms of me that tree aid that not subject to this quote. all the countries that all subject to this quote may face some of the case down the road is impossible to speculate on whether they will or not. but the find but is rather itself is not yet being found in violation. will transfer most likely as to just as there's a reason today into those other cases where they to be brought in the future fully . thank you very much for that feeling marks slide for us there at the hague. let's bring back what has l for gary to i wanted to ask you about that point. that last point really made that the other countries that support as well. and that could
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possibly also face a similar case that they have. now, what are the impact patience of this decision? the significance of this decision will this, you know, we assure them or are they, you know, i'm more likely now to, to be more careful perhaps about this? no, it's when just invite the late to guns to be more careful about presenting sufficient evidence. this is the most important thing, most likely explains that i shall not be on this case. article 16 was at the national commission. the draft articles on is due to responsibility for wrongful act, allow countries to cleans of other countries and provide 8 or assistance to a 3rd of the country that commit don't go for act, in this case, violation category, violation of international material ordering and what i to origin geneva convention onto the crime of genocide, but actually it is the meaning of it and assistance will be picking generally. it has to be specific, specific assistance used,
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ends of ocean. so we have to move here, that's a windows or arms and provided by here many to is used substantially. invo felicia with the knowledge of jenna many of these violations. so it is not just about gender, political, or military cooperation, but you'll have to prove in front of the support is that substantially and specifically used institutions? it is a challenge. it does not means that the door is closed. no other country could be sued as well. like, like germany at a twin depend on civil it procedural issues or says there's an eviction if the can be taken to does that. i see it or not. so is it is a procedural issue, right. martinez. thank you so much for, for your insight in your expertise on this. thank you for breaking it all down for us more time. so gary, a human rights, legal specialist, joining us on and use out are the
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in other developments now. prosecutors from the international criminal court are interviewing stuff from 2 hospitals in the gaza strip. that's after the discovery of mass graves on the grounds of the 2 facilities. hundreds of bodies were recovered from 3 mask rays on the premises of the not the hospital in con units this month. the remains of dozens. will people wake zoomed at all she for hospital in gaza city after and he's really caesar of a facility. terry cup was on, has a detail some rough i in 7 guys. the persecutors of the international criminal court have been speaking to a number of the palestinian medics who have been working on a ship at hospitality in the north and even another hospital in con, units in the south of to the east, very with a drug where they have been talking about possible crimes committed by the is ready mail it to drink that existence inside the medical facility. fine. yet the identities of these medics is still unknown for security concerns and security reasons, as they international uh, criminal codes. office have been saying that they did not provide any proper
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comments about the operational procedures and investigations being made with various witnesses in order to guarantee the full protection. and we have been clearly remember what was going on as such, hospitals, in terms of the mass graves being discovered were hundreds of bodies, found the composed time they have been found. also, the dog had been buried in the deep item sound with bile of waste and sounds have been throwing over such bodies spot. yet these by the side have been saying that they have no longer uh, let's say about what's the international court of justice might take in terms of actions against is ready. so just as is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he, what tries to a will try to for the full protection for that use really so just under his own leadership, its return to the hague. now, whether unique arrived when agent ambassador is reacting outside the international
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court of justice after it ruled against nicaragua, his request to issue or emergency orders for germany to stop objects for say is there are less listen to what he said. when you being a case, if you think the it is convenient, unnecessary to escort position and that's just us with them. so that's, that's on yeah, a very small, a very small finds a preliminary point. we still have a long way to go a we have to have it how it presentation, when the court gives us the opportunity to present that with memorial on the letter . it's betty sims, effects that we will introduce polls the fact that we have, or because eh, the question for preliminary, mrs. olsa, felicia and mrs. is that where they at this point, the necessary or not, doesn't mean that germany has not violated already. i mean, the point that germany, it gave a lot of a people the military and then they just finished this. and i think that that is
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important for the provisional investments. but it's not important for them in case because so many passed from our point of view violated to, to that, you know, by providing by providing it. so i mean, it's a germany at any moment in the future, continues to contribute that we will also take the course to the thank you again. the quote specifically set that for the time be they didn't find sufficient evidence that at this moment it was necessary to get those measurements. but the case that they put through there's so many i don't if you notice also the court said everybody had us this touch of his picture. this case would be thrown out, pick him up from the list and the courts had that's that true. so the court has merits, so we that'd be because the case is very effectively to getting at this point. where do you think this case, germany? well, i think it leads to many nodes. and that's very important because very clearly told, basically by the germans very clearly. remember, this is happening there. is that something that nobody knows the court has already
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said what's happening. and you have the obligation of body committed directly to me that you have to respect each other because i think that's a, that's where you would be better students. i mean, as i said, it seems to be important thing with everything we are doing here is that if we have mobilizing a part of the motivation that have to think all over the world to demonstrate that we are against, that we are flags of what's happening there, so that's at the moment that is, the only thing that is happening in the court will continue studying the case. would be all the evidence necessary in any way from our point of view, from the point of view, i think i wouldn't bring it this case. what we tell the news, those countries that have been involved in the pacific paving, in a bidding, giving a it's really what is happening have to be,
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i notice that you have violated international that, that, that, that is so small contribution to what we are doing well, i began coming to the court 40 years ago in a case against the united states. i have been involved with the last 40, i think more cases than any other countries. because i was like more cases that in the united states or any country in the world. and the last 40, the history of this court, united states have had about 22 cases. instead of the fact 17 saying that more or less as buquet offense, germany has had 910 in the rest of the country. russia has had 3 cases. i have been so frankly to think that they will teach us something. it's a,
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it's absolutely. so naturally this, this has nothing to do is you get our, if you look at history, the country you'll find, for example, that in 1982, just after the certainty, these, to moving that trial to me were in the united nations. when decided and 50 look good because the genocide and we participate in that holy 42 years and continued. # so did you send something new and nobody's teaching us anything to teach us and say that that takes us to have to come to the court correctly? or at least i can only laugh at that. but many of my listeners have said that your government has changed very much from 40 years that okay, it does no longer than san denise or fighter and was given your just one human rights record. what right, do you have to take any one support? well that's, it, does it did, it gives you what you can discuss if you're a big deal. the only thing that has changed is that 40 years ago, when we came to the course,
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bringing the case against the united states. because it said, due by the states we're open, they were discussed openly how much a they were going to get to destroy the government. now it is done on the underground, and that's what's happening in the cut over. so if you're trying to fight a silent war of the united states, i guess you could have like, i think that's an issue that we can discuss this or that i know them think. okay, well, thank you for you for your attention to say your name again, so i have it on record. right? yes. and where you do agree. okay. the case continues the words of nicaragua is agent ambassador aquarium, who was speaking to report as a outside of international court of justice after it ruled against issuing emergency measures to stop german x 4 times x force to israel, the ambassador, the saying that even if the court decided against issuing those provisional
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measures. this doesn't mean that germany has been violated international law by providing arms to israel, which are killing civilians in the gaza strip. gemini, for its spot, has welcome the ruling against issuing orders to stop its objects force to israel, which the icy g again just announced a short while ago. gemini saying that nobody is above the law. this guides are actions. this words, these are just provisional measures. once again, and as we heard from the ambassador's office, the case at the hague, continues, are moving on. and israel's a prime minister, benjamin is now has pledged to attack rafa in the south of the gaza strip. with all we found deceased by dia with him, us, that is despite international calls for restraint. 1.5000000 forcibly display spanish 2 names are sheltering in the city. this comes as the us secretary of state antony blinking is in the region. he's in jordan right now as part of the latest
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diplomatic push for a see sign, gaza, and his 7th visit to the middle east since the war began in october. and he is then supposed to be heading to israel. and on monday, he met regional leaders in saudi arabia and will travel for his route later. that spring, in correspondents, you don't keep by these tools and bennett smith. so next now seems clear that he wants to go ahead with the operation in vasa, despite american objections. slowly, as a not only did he say that, he said, ending the will, will be before achieving our objectives. is out of the question, is that those objectives being the destruction of homicides, the ability to attack is riley leaves. are full battalions still that i yeah. only on monday yesterday we on to me blinking was encouraging how much to take $40.00 cost coals in extraordinarily generous proposal proposal of about $33.00 captives.
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and a 40 day ceasefire followed by prolonged period of sustain comic was cold in exchange for the release of a very large number of palestinian prisoners and increased aid. despite the suggestion on monday that this was some sort of offer of a long paid of com netanyahu making clear that he's still going to go ahead with that operation. well, how about us? constantly, inconsistently, has always been demanding a permanency spot from martin and yahoo is now set to day. it doesn't seem that that is on the table leading this prolonged period of calm me americans are talking about doesn't seem to fit with what netanyahu's saying today. and as an indication of the pressure he's constantly on the it ma bank of a spa, right? national security administer. i've had a meeting with netanyahu today, and he has said after that meeting that netanyahu promised him the israel would end . so rafa promised that the will would not, and i'm promised that would be no properly good deal. so thomas is considering what
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he's being offered. it's a perhaps further from what might have been suggested not only yesterday on monday . oh, ben, it's thank you very much for that that. so i'll just here is ben. it's smith live there, you know, keep by the service ma'am. the gaza civil defense agency says a lack of equipment has caused the deaths of thousands of palestinians dropped under the rubble of destroyed buildings. it estimates more than 10000 people are missing. the not included in the official death told of more than $34500.00 policy in scale since october. the u. n. estimates it could take 14 years to create a degree in this trade. the united states has found 5 military units from israel, responsible for prose, human rights violations in the occupied westbank. it's a 1st time washington has reached such a conclusion. the incidents took place before israel began his war on guys that in
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october, despite the findings. so the state department said the units have not been sanctioned . patty cocaine explains 4 weeks, we've been waiting for the us state department to announce the results of its investigation into whether certain units in israel's defense forces committed gross violations of human rights. the reason is the suckers secretary of state himself and to me blinking said earlier this month that he had made the determination. now this is important because if it is found that these certain units violated human rights, there's loss inside the united states. it says, no, us military aid can go to those units. well, we now know it's unlikely to happen. 4 of these units have affectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do. it is consistent with what we expect all countries whom would we have a security relationship? the deputy spokesman here at the state department was repeatedly pressed on this
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issue and he just simply wouldn't answer the questions such as what exactly were the gross violations of human rights? what units were involved? exactly. how do israel remediate the situation and what kind of information israel provided? again, you simply wouldn't say, particle haine al jazeera at the state department. the united nations human rights chief volk attorney says he is troubled by measures taken to this press protest against his routes. vote on guys in universities across the us, dozens of protest as have barricaded themselves inside a building at columbia university in new york. the group has taken over hamilton, hold a has a history of student take overs, including during the vietnam war, the unfurled advantage, calling its haines hall in memory of a 6 year old girl killed in guys. this came hours out to the university, started suspending student demonstrators who defied an ultimatum to leave their incompetence. so let's go back to chris's know me at columbia university for us in
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new york. so the student process is chris and have fabricated themselves inside hamilton hall after days of protests. what's the scene like at the moment in what's happening? that's right. the campus is essentially on lock down with only students who live on campus and essential personnel aloud into the built into the campus. at the one day that you see behind me, you can see a lot of barricades have been set up here. people are lined up to get inside to show their credentials are very carefully checking. credentials of anyone who wants to go inside. and if you can, over and you can see the building that was taken over just after midnight in the early morning hours, hamilton hall, and up from one of the higher floors. there's a banner there, you can see that says free palestine. again, that happened just after midnight. hundreds of demonstrators had gathered out on
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the lawn of columbia university. they were there in support of the encampment. earlier in the day, an impasse had been announced by the university with the demonstrators, the university saying that it would not divest one of their key demands from investments in israel, and calling on the students to evacuate the encampment or face suspension. the suspension started happening and as the crowds gathered, the students stormed into the building, taking it over and barricading the doors. and that's where we're told dozens of them remain at this hour. a tense environment here at the campus with police outside the campus, but so far, not being called inside in thank you very much for that. that's christine salumi. by far as outside of columbia university in new york, we want to take you back now to the hey, wear legal advisors of gemini,
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i just wrapping up. uh, what looks like uh, what was the price uh, briefing there reaction to uh the i see jays decision uh earlier this our, that vote against issuing emergency orders to stop for a minute. arms export to is or out in a case that was brought in by nicaragua. uh the judge is at the i c. j really in favor of germany. in this case, a nice provisional measures which have been rejected. germany that welcoming the building by the i. c, j. let's turn to other world news and can yes, president william brutal will hold a special emergency cabinet meeting on tuesday. as heavy rains continue to lash the country. the government says the death toll from a months of flooding has reached at least $169.00. thousands of people are disgraced and many others are missing. in the east of kenny, a ravine class seemed to the town of river, causing it to burst its banks. mountain. web reports from the my fingers
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it takes hours of searching the lease to muddy, torn to find each body on. those are covered at the latest victims in flooding that's killed thousands of people here in kenya, and hundreds across east africa. it was too much for this woman when she discovered a cousin was one of them on sunday. people were trying to get to and from the town of teresa by boat ton of rivers busted banks nearby and said much the main road the stage didn't make it. several people are still missing. more than 20 have been rescued a live. they were taken to a nearby hospital. i mean the, those who knew how to swim more like ha, i don't know how to swim. so i had to hold onto somebody who does. you were dragged by the water until you was stopped by
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a truck where i waited until i was rescued. this is the truck. it was the last vehicle to try and cross here on the road. and so didn't make it the floods of cost of transport and networks and displaced hundreds of thousands of people across the region. weeks of torrential rain falls, much of its in the highlands of central kenya slowed down to this hydro electric down. as a feeling is reservoir amount of just say the levels about 2 meters above what it's designed for. wiley fluids is gushing into the flight channel, about 70 cubic meters. the 2nd and all of it is flowing into this ton of river down stream. it sweeps through the plains of east and kenya towards the indian ocean. hundreds of thousands of people live in towns and villages along its banks. the government has said those are risk should move to higher ground. we are having a pep in the community to be able to discuss form additional emissions that my
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government is going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh, victims of the time of change to today, somebody in floods the supporting must lights out of looked after the rain in the highlands is still feeling the dams as move rolls around the way. now come web. i'll just era missing, get them? kenya. ukraine says the death toll from a russian strike on the block. c, for city of a desa has raised into 5, a 4 year old girl is among the $32.00 injured in the midst on attack, which targeted a private law school. on monday the governor declared choose a day of morning and now the confrontation has taken place between chinese and philippine vessels in disputed waters in the south trying to see the incident took place near a contested rafe during a mission to resupply. filipino fishermen, the philippines coast guard says a chinese vessel use water count on,
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on 2 of its boats as the latest in a series of maritime confrontations between the 2 countries. as in indonesia, people are being evacuated in northern areas. wherever k no has evolved, it again, mounts wrong in north. so in a way, see, send a tower of ash more than 5 kilometers into the sky. forcing the culture of a nearby international airport. the volcano has erupted several times in the past 2 weeks. jessica washington has more from jakarta. the number line has been exhausting frequently since around mid april. but it was the rupture. and this morning with an asshole of more than 5000 meters, was sent into the sky. dark gray, almost ash sentence and sky as well as the balkan analogy agency observing incandescent lava as well as volcanic lightning. it has been several eruptions on
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a much smaller level, but the letter a level remains at the highest that is level for anesthesia. authorities wanting to say at least 6 kilometers away from the votes. this is a situation that has been developing for weeks. so in terms of preparedness authorities on relatively for pets. so there was a community that was living actually on the slopes of the volcano, when you can imagine they would have been in immediate danger. but in fact, they evacuated some weeks ago. and they all say what authorities are considering now is whether communities on a nearby island also need to evacuate. at this point, it is unclear whether they would need to the best way to, to the, on the side of the island authorities all considering that. but they do say that they are well equipped, there are no military vessels. they have enough logistics in terms of boston, food to distribute, to people in need of the situation appears to be under control. for now. i stay with us on, i'll just hear a more was news coming up very shortly, including reaction to the international court of justice decision which has
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rejected professional measures to stop germany exporting alms to israel stay with the a unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era a pod. he came into the use of the aisle seat, suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all
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of us. any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era in the brazilian amazon a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the yellow body people? for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities. their rivers poisoned with mercury, rendering water, i'm drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us. one of us who sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed. illegal miners return every day we see their clients coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they are
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still facing strong resistance from the powerful form lobby in congress to the state bill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the, the international court of justice rejects nicaragua as requests to order germany to hold military age to is around the way you're watching out you 0 life from don't have with me for the back. people also ahead, israel's foreign minister benjamin netanyahu says his forces were entered guys, the southern city of frost 5, regardless of whether a sci fi deal is reached. prosecutors from the.


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